Albany Skin Clinic


Skin Check FAQs


How can we help?

I have a spot that is changing what should I do?
Change in a skin spot can be a suspicious sign. If you are concerned about a changing skin spot please phone our reception staff who can organise an urgent appointment.
Should I have a skin cancer check up?
Yes. 2 out of 3 Australians will have skin cancers in their life time. Early detection is the key.
Have you had a skin cancer before?
If the answer is yes, you are at high risk of further skin cancers and regular skin checks are recommended.
How is a skin examination performed?

A systematic examination of the skin is the key part of a skin cancer check up. This is performed with good lighting and the use of a dermatoscope. A dermatoscope is a device applied to the skin with the use of some alcohol hand washing gel, which allows 10X magnification under polarised lighting. Careful examination with dermoscopy increases the pick up of early and subtle skin cancers which allows for improved treatment outcomes.

Examination is routinely performed down to underwear (bathers are recommended). It is possible to rarely develop skin cancers in areas hidden by the underwear so examination with the use of a hand mirror at home is worthwhile ahead of your appointment so that you can point out any spots of concern at the time of your appointment. Modesty sheets are available and a chaperone is available if requested.

​​​​​Do I need a referral to attend the Albany Skin Clinic?
No, you do not require a referral. If however your GP has referred you to us, please bring the referral along.
Do I need to undress for a skin examination?
A thorough skin examination is usually performed down to underwear (or bathers). We ask that you inform the doctor if you are aware of skin sports hidden by underwear. Modesty sheets are used and a chaperone is available if requested.
Can suspicious spots be removed by Albany Skin Clinic?
Albany Skin clinic doctors have expertise in skin surgery and regular surgical lists and are therefore able to remove most suspicious spots on site at the Albany Skin Clinic. In some circumstances a referral to plastic surgeons or to specialised MOHS clinics for particular skin cancers may be recommended.
Are you available for workplace skin checks?
Yes. Please contact us and ask to speak to the practice manager to arrange this.
Do you do skin photography?
Digital skin photography can assist in identifying suspicious lesions. If you have a high risk of skin cancers your doctor might suggest baseline photos of your skin to be used for future comparison. Some suspicious lesions can be safely monitored with a dermoscopic photo which can reduce the number of spots that need to be removed surgically.

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