Albany Skin Clinic


Skin Clinic Services

our services

Skin Clinic Services

The Albany Skin Clinic has four fully equipped procedure rooms in which our doctors are able to perform a range of skin biopsies and surgical procedures. Full time registered nurse support is available during surgical procedures. Albany Skin Clinic doctors have expertise in skin surgery and regular surgical lists however they may recommend referral to plastic surgeons or to specialised Mohs (micrographic surgery) clinics for particular skin cancers.

Skin Checks

Medical Skin Conditions

our services

Skin Cancer Check Up

A skin cancer check up involves a thorough history of factors relevant to your risks of skin cancers and a systematic skin examination to identify any suspicious skin spots. You may have some spots that are clear skin cancers and appropriate treatment options will be offered. Some borderline spots can be observed with dermoscopic photos and others will be recommended for a biopsy to clarify the diagnosis before definitive treatment is offered. You will be given advice, based on your risk, of how frequently skin checks are recommended. Those who have high risk of skin cancers may be recommended to have full baseline skin photography performed. 

our services

Dermatology Problems

Skin problems are a common reason for people to present to their GP. As the skin is such a visible organ, skin problems can cause a great deal of distress and difficulty. All GPs are trained to a certain level in dermatology however it is a vast field and many conditions are difficult to diagnose and manage effectively. Albany Skin Clinic doctors have a special interest and further training in skin problems and are well equipped to assist in managing a wide range of skin complaints. We are pleased to offer this expertise in our region which has limited access to specialist dermatologists. For some complex skin problems referral to a specialist dermatologist will be recommended and can be arranged.

our services

Skin Treatments

The range of skin treatments available are almost as many as the number of skin conditions. Both prescription and non prescription treatments often rely on particular application regimes and detailed instructions may be given in order to get the best outcomes. Some treatments may require a compounding pharmacy to make up the preparation as prescribed by your doctor.  

Our goal is for you to have the best possible outcome from your recommended treatment. If you are not satisfied with the results or there is a change in your condition please do not hesitate to book a review appointment. 

our services

Skin Surgery and Lesion Removal

The Albany Skin Clinic has a fully equipped procedure room in which our doctors are able to perform a range of skin biopsies and surgical procedures. All of our surgical instruments are autoclaved and sterilised on site to Australian standards. Full time registered nurse support is available during surgical procedures. Albany Skin Clinic doctors have expertise in skin surgery and regular surgical lists however they may recommend referral to plastic surgeons or to specialised MOHS clinics for particular skin cancers.

If, following your skin check, lesion removal is required, your skin check doctor will provide a quote for costs for the procedure.

our services

Skin Photography and Mole Mapping

Digital skin photography can be a useful part of surveillance for skin cancers. Baseline photos can be used for comparison at future skin checks and allows accurate assessment of change in particular lesions or of new lesions developing. Lesions that are atypical in appearance may be suitable to observe with dermoscopic photographs to assess change at a 3 month interval. Some patients at high risk of skin cancer or those with atypical moles or lesions benefit from detailed mole mapping to detect subtle melanomas. Albany Skin Clinic uses DermEngine software which enables comprehensive mole mapping. This may reduce the number of lesions that require a surgical biopsy. All photographic images are stored securely.

our services

Corporate Skin Checks

Corporate Skin checks are a way of providing a thorough skin examination for your employees.

As well as potentially identifying skin cancers that need further treatment, employees will receive important messages about prevention of harmful skin damage. To book corporate skin checks, please phone 9842 2822.

Our Fees

Skin Clinic Consultation Fees

Regular Patient
Standard Long Extra Long
Consult Cost
Medicare Rebate
Out of Pocket Cost
Standard Long Extra Long
Consult Cost
Medicare Rebate
Out of Pocket Cost

Our Fees

Procedural Fees

The cost of your skin surgery will be partly covered by Medicare but you will be required to pay a procedural fee which will be an out of pocket cost for you.

The procedural fee is to cover the cost of consumables, instrument sterilizing and dressings for all lesion removals and minor procedures. This is payable at the time of the procedure or lesion removal.

After the procedure, if lesions are sent to pathology for analysis, you will receive another invoice once your results are back for the Medicare excision fee. After you have paid this invoice, you will get the full amount of this Medicare excision fee refunded from Medicare.
The fee varies according to the time allocated for your appointment.
15 minute procedure
30 minute procedure
45 minute procedure
1 hour procedure

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